Friday, 18 November 2011

The movie is all about life and the sentiments and experiences that we all bear with it.

The story lies in the life of Oliver (Ewan McGregor) and his father, Hal (Christopher Plummer). We come to see the life of Christopher Plummer who plays the role of a 75 year old man who, after the death of his wife, is finally able to blossom out to his son as gay.
Oliver is aimless. His friends try to cheer him up but it doesn’t work for him. Oliver’s only companion is Arthur, his father’s dog. We perceive the world through Oliver’s eyes, and so the entire film is inundated with general tone of profound sadness.

Oliver personality was shaped through his relationships with both his mother and father. These established relationships molded his character and his genuine outlook of humanity. When Hal dies, Oliver is left to ponder his life until he meets an actress, a fascinating, endearing French girl named Anna (Melanie Laurent). They don’t know each other that much but somehow, Oliver is able to think less and less about his parents with Anna’s company.

This is a great film. All the cast are brilliant and are well-matched to their characters. Beginners definitely capture the interest of people and get hold of the deep emotions they have, making the film worth empathizing for. However, let’s not forget the sexy, vague flirtations, and funny moments of Oliver and Anna we get to savor in the film. Also, we are able to appreciate Hal’s belated revelation of his sexuality. This movie is indeed unique and is a landmark achievement in tragedy, comedy, and catharsis. It is Mike Mills’ gift as a writer and his perfect cast that brings “Beginners” together on top, and it is highly recommend to be watched for. Watch movie news without downloading in full strength.

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