Happy Feet Two is an upcoming 3D computer-animated family film directed by George Miller, who co-directed the original film Happy Feet. The film is a sequel to Happy Feet and stars Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Pink, Sofía Vergara and Common. Animal Logic Films in Santa Monica, California, and Dr. D Studios in Sydney, Australia are producing the film which is currently set to premier in North American theaters on November 18, 2011 in Digital 3D and IMAX 3D. The film will be released with a Looney Tunes short called Daffy's Rhapsody.
Mumble the penguin has a problem: his son Erik, who is reluctant to dance, encounters Amazing Hero Puffin called "The Mighty Sven", whom he thinks is a penguin who can fly. Things get worse for Mumble when the world is shaken by powerful forces, causing him to bring together the penguin nations and their allies to set things right.
Elijah Wood and Robin Williams are set to reprise their previous performances as Mumble, Ramon, and Lovelace. Also set to work on the film are Carlos Alazraqui, Johnny A. Sanchez, Lombardo Boyar and Jeffrey Garcia as Nestor, Lombardo, Raul, and Rinaldo. No other actors have been confirmed as repeating their earlier performances.
Brittany Murphy, who originally voiced Mumble's love interest Gloria, was set to reprise her role and begin recording sometime in 2010, but died from pneumonia on December 20, 2009. Pink appears to be Murphy's replacement and Miller has confirmed that she will contribute a song ("Tell Me Something Good", also by Pink, was contributed to the soundtrack of the first film), and Brad Pitt and Matt Damon will voice the tiny krill. Hank Azaria has also signed on to play a new character. Elizabeth Daily, who played young Mumble in the previous film, will play Mumble's choreophobic son Erik and Sofía Vergara will also appear in the film as a new character. There is to be a live action scene in the movie as in the first Happy Feet. Mitchell Hicks has signed up as the movie's choreographer.
Happy Feet Two video Game was developed by KMM Games for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. WayForward Technologies is developing the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS versions.There are several books available for sale based on Happy Feet Two. Whether they follow the storyline of the movie or not is currently unknown. Also to be released with these books is a 2012 calendar. These books and the 2012 calendar were released on August 1,2011.
The movie's theme song, "Happy Feet," is performed by P!nk, who also lends her vocals to the character Gloria. The first information on the soundtrack of Happy Feet Two has been released, but, as of now, only one song has been revealed, "Mama Said Knock You Out" by LL Cool J. The film's trailers feature the aforementioned song "Mama Said Knock You Out", along with "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake and "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" by The RivingtonS. Grab the total movie news on Digitalfreedom.
Mumble the penguin has a problem: his son Erik, who is reluctant to dance, encounters Amazing Hero Puffin called "The Mighty Sven", whom he thinks is a penguin who can fly. Things get worse for Mumble when the world is shaken by powerful forces, causing him to bring together the penguin nations and their allies to set things right.
Elijah Wood and Robin Williams are set to reprise their previous performances as Mumble, Ramon, and Lovelace. Also set to work on the film are Carlos Alazraqui, Johnny A. Sanchez, Lombardo Boyar and Jeffrey Garcia as Nestor, Lombardo, Raul, and Rinaldo. No other actors have been confirmed as repeating their earlier performances.
Brittany Murphy, who originally voiced Mumble's love interest Gloria, was set to reprise her role and begin recording sometime in 2010, but died from pneumonia on December 20, 2009. Pink appears to be Murphy's replacement and Miller has confirmed that she will contribute a song ("Tell Me Something Good", also by Pink, was contributed to the soundtrack of the first film), and Brad Pitt and Matt Damon will voice the tiny krill. Hank Azaria has also signed on to play a new character. Elizabeth Daily, who played young Mumble in the previous film, will play Mumble's choreophobic son Erik and Sofía Vergara will also appear in the film as a new character. There is to be a live action scene in the movie as in the first Happy Feet. Mitchell Hicks has signed up as the movie's choreographer.
Happy Feet Two video Game was developed by KMM Games for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. WayForward Technologies is developing the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS versions.There are several books available for sale based on Happy Feet Two. Whether they follow the storyline of the movie or not is currently unknown. Also to be released with these books is a 2012 calendar. These books and the 2012 calendar were released on August 1,2011.
The movie's theme song, "Happy Feet," is performed by P!nk, who also lends her vocals to the character Gloria. The first information on the soundtrack of Happy Feet Two has been released, but, as of now, only one song has been revealed, "Mama Said Knock You Out" by LL Cool J. The film's trailers feature the aforementioned song "Mama Said Knock You Out", along with "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake and "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" by The RivingtonS. Grab the total movie news on Digitalfreedom.
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